What the applicative? Optparse-applicative from the ground up (Part 2)

In this post we’re going to be following on from the previous entry covering some of the foundations of how applicatives work with a slightly more concrete example. We’ll be breaking down an example usage of optparse-applicative quite slowly to explore applicatives; if you’re just looking for some examples of usage, I’d refer to the already excellent documentation here.

Project Setup

Create a baseline project using stack:

$ stack new gh-cli

Once you’ve done this all we need to do is add optparse-applicative to our package.yaml file under dependencies:

- base >= 4.7 && < 5
- optparse-applicative

Setting up some working baseline code

Next let’s start with a very basic example that we’ve shamelessly stolen from the optparse-applicative docs and plug this into our Main.hs:

module Main (main) where

import Options.Applicative

data Sample = Sample
  { hello      :: String
  , quiet      :: Bool
  , enthusiasm :: Int }

sample :: Parser Sample
sample = Sample
      <$> strOption
          ( long "hello"
         <> metavar "TARGET"
         <> help "Target for the greeting" )
      <*> switch
          ( long "quiet"
         <> short 'q'
         <> help "Whether to be quiet" )
      <*> option auto
          ( long "enthusiasm"
         <> help "How enthusiastically to greet"
         <> showDefault
         <> value 1
         <> metavar "INT" )
main :: IO ()
main = greet =<< execParser opts
    opts = info (sample <**> helper)
      ( fullDesc
     <> progDesc "Print a greeting for TARGET"
     <> header "hello - a test for optparse-applicative" )

greet :: Sample -> IO ()
greet (Sample h False n) = putStrLn $ "Hello, " ++ h ++ replicate n '!'
greet _ = return ()

Running using stack we can see that this is working:

$ stack exec -- gh-cli-exe
Missing: --hello TARGET

Usage: gh-cli-exe --hello TARGET [-q|--quiet] [--enthusiasm INT]

  Print a greeting for TARGET

$ stack exec -- gh-cli-exe --hello Pablo
Hello, Pablo!

NB: I had a bit of bother getting emacs to connect to the haskell lsp having not run it in a while due to some versioning issues. For me the fix was to use ghcup to get onto all the recommended versions. I had to also manually point lsp-haskell to the correct path. My init.el file now looks like this:

(use-package lsp-haskell
  :ensure t
 (setq lsp-haskell-server-path "haskell-language-server-wrapper")
 ;; gives a little preview on hover, useful for inspecting types. set to nil to remove. 
 ;; full list of options here https://emacs-lsp.github.io/lsp-mode/tutorials/how-to-turn-off/
 (setq lsp-ui-sideline-show-hover t)
 (setq lsp-haskell-server-args ())
 (setq lsp-log-io t)

Quick refactor before we get started

In this post we’re going to be breaking down exactly what’s going on here; specifically looking at how applicatives are used. Before we get started let’s do a quick refactor; this isn’t strictly necessary but the code in the examples is a little terse so it can be harder to tell exactly what each part is doing. Right at the start of main we’ve got:

main = greet =<< execParser opts
  where ...

=<< is just syntactic sugar for bind but with the arguments reversed (ie (a -> m b) -> m a -> m b) which is elegant, but let’s just refactor this to good old do notation in the interests of clarity:

main = do
  parsedOpts <- getInput
  greet parsedOpts
    getInput = execParser opts
    opts = ...

Lets take this a step further and do a bit more of a tidy up, improve some variable names, add some type hints, and run fourmolu set the formatting:

data InputOptions = InputOptions
    { helloTarget :: String
    , isQuiet :: Bool
    , repeatN :: Int

inputOptions :: Parser InputOptions
inputOptions =
        <$> strOption
            ( long "helloTarget"
                <> metavar "TARGET"
                <> help "Target for the greeting"
        <*> switch
            ( long "quiet"
                <> short 'q'
                <> help "Whether to be quiet"
        <*> option
            ( long "enthusiasm"
                <> help "How enthusiastically to greet"
                <> showDefault
                <> value 1
                <> metavar "INT"

main :: IO ()
main = do
    parsedInput <- getInput
    handleInput parsedInput
    infoMod :: InfoMod a
    infoMod =
            <> progDesc "Print a greeting for TARGET"
            <> header "hello - a test for optparse-applicative"

    parser :: Parser InputOptions
    parser = inputOptions <**> helper

    opts :: ParserInfo InputOptions
    opts = info parser infoMod

    getInput :: IO InputOptions
    getInput = execParser opts

handleInput :: InputOptions -> IO ()
handleInput (InputOptions h False n) = putStrLn $ "Hello, " ++ h ++ replicate n '!'
handleInput _ = return ()

We’ve gone a little overboard with extracting some of our variables here and we’ve added some redundant type declarations we don’t actually need, but this hopefully helps clarify some of the types.

What’s actually going on here?

Let’s break down what’s going on into chunks so we can see exactly how this works; for the sake of completeness we’ll first break down our main function. The first thing we do is set up our input type opts:

    infoMod :: InfoMod a
    infoMod = fullDesc
     <> progDesc "Print a greeting for TARGET"
     <> header "hello - a test for optparse-applicative"

    parser :: Parser InputOptions
    parser = inputOptions <**> helper

    opts :: ParserInfo InputOptions
    opts = info parser infoMod

The key function here (info) is a function from optparse-applicative; it’s type is

info :: Parser a -> InfoMod a -> ParserInfo aSource

All this is doing is creating a ParserInfo object from Parser (in our case of type Parser InputOptions) and an InfoMod (which in this case we’re just defining inline). In our case the Parser is inputOptions and is defined above; we’ll talk about this in some more detail below.

Next we’re calling execParser (execParser :: ParserInfo a -> IO a) from optparse-applicative with our ParserInfo to tell it how to handle our input:

    getInput :: IO InputOptions
    getInput = execParser opts

Once we’ve got our input, we simply pass this onto our handler function and we’re good to go:

main = do
  parsedInput <- getInput
  handleInput parsedInput
    -- etc etc

How do applicatives come into this?

The optparse-applicative library — unsurprisingly —makes use of applicative-style quite widely; let’s use our instance of inputOptions as a specific example. For reference, the definition is here:

inputOptions :: Parser InputOptions
inputOptions = InputOptions
      <$> strOption
          ( long "helloTarget"
         <> metavar "TARGET"
         <> help "Target for the greeting" )
      <*> switch
          ( long "quiet"
         <> short 'q'
         <> help "Whether to be quiet" )
      <*> option auto
          ( long "enthusiasm"
         <> help "How enthusiastically to greet"
         <> showDefault
         <> value 1
         <> metavar "INT" )

If we remember from our last post, <$> is just an infix fmap operation; for the purposes of illustration we can start off by turning this:

      <$> strOption
          ( long "helloTarget"
         <> metavar "TARGET"
         <> help "Target for the greeting" )

into something thats maybe a bit more declarative like this:

partialInput :: Parser (Bool -> Int -> InputOptions)
partialInput = fmap InputOptions $ strOption $ long "helloTarget" <> metavar "TARGET" <> help "Target for the greeting" 

Here, we’ve pulled out the first part of our Parser, that so far just “wraps” a function with the remaining parameters for our InputOptions object. If we remember from our last post, the signature for <*> is

(<*>) :: Applicative f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b)

The important thing to remember here is that the function in our Parser, of type Bool -> Int -> InputOptions, can be thought of as having type a -> b -> c or a -> b where b is simply a function of type b -> c. This allows us to use <*> to compose in our Bool parameter using switch and our Int parameter using option auto respectively (NB: ). In these cases <*> will effectively “unwrap” our Bool, and Int parameters (remember switch returns a Parser Bool and option auto is in our case returning a Parser Int) for us to build up our InputOptions and leave us with a Parser InputOptions when we’re done. If we wanted to do this in the classic monadic style we’d need to do something like this:

withoutApp :: Parser InputOptions
withoutApp = do
  helloTarget <-  strOption $ long "helloTarget" <> metavar "TARGET" <> help "Target for the greeting"
  booleanParam <- switch
          ( long "quiet"
         <> short 'q'
         <> help "Whether to be quiet" )
  intParam <- option auto
          ( long "enthusiasm"
         <> help "How enthusiastically to greet"
         <> showDefault
         <> value 1
         <> metavar "INT" )
  SomeParserConstructorThatDoesntExist $ InputOptions helloTarget booleanParam intParam

This is not only much less readable but also there is no public constructor for Parser so wouldn’t work even if we wanted it to.

If you’re not used to reading applicative-style code, I think it can be a little confusing to work out how the composition fits together however once the penny drops it’s actually a very readable pattern. I have a suspicion this post will prove to be more of an exercise in rubber-ducking and the actual writing of it more useful than anything else, but hopefully the breakdown is a helpful illustration of how applicatives can be used in a more real-world scenario.

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